About Us

Welcome back to our returning families and a warm welcome to those new to Ledyard Center School!  Our school is a wonderful place of learning, laughing, and achieving.  The Ledyard Center School Parent Teacher Organization (LCS PTO) hopes you will join us in reaching our goals for our last year at LCS!
What Does the LCS PTO Do?
We work throughout the year to organize events to support our children and the school.  We provide teaching aids to staff and playground equipment for students.  Each year we fully fund buses for all field trips, as well as the Aerospace Program and Science/Engineering Night.  Last year our Book Fair raised funds to purchase books for our school library and classrooms.  We also funded the Mystic Aquarium classroom experience for the students to enhance their learning curriculum.  We could not have done all of this without the support of parents and staff!
How Can You Help?
ALL parents and guardians are members of the PTO.  There are many ways to be involved, from attending a meeting, organizing an event, helping with set up, or donating supplies.  Participation at any level is appreciated! 
How Can You Find Us?
Meetings: The LCS PTO holds monthly meetings in the school library.  It’s a great way to share your ideas and learn about what’s happening at LCS.  
Website: Ledyard Center School PTO 
Facebook:  Find us on Facebook at “Ledyard Center School PTO.”  
We look forward to working with you to make our last year at LCS a memorable one!
  Thank you for your continued support of the LCS PTO!!    

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